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Monday, June 6, 2016


So now that I'm safely on the other side of the Atlantic, I'd love to share some of the reactions I heard from people when they found out I would be moving to, well, Africa. Some of these are indicative of how little people know about the continent of Africa in the US, but many of them are just plain funny. Enjoy!

"You're doing what?"

"Is Uganda near Africa?"

"That's the coolest thing ever."

"How can I become a volunteer?" (I still get this frequently. Check out peacecorps.gov!)

"Oh you have to have a degree to do that?"

"Why would you do that?" (The answer to which is so much more complicated than it should be.)

"Can you ever come back?" (Why, yes, they fly me home after two years. And if I want to visit home earlier, I have vacation days.)

"Are you going to marry some Africa guy?" (And have cute African babies?!)

"They speak English?!"
"Yeah, well they were a British colony until recently."
"But still...."

"Uganda has been independent for more than 50 years!"

"Luganda is the language spoken in...Uganda...?" (One of more than 50!)

"You can't go." (Break my heart....)

"Can I fit in your suitcase?"


"This will absolutely change your life." (That's what I'm hoping for.)

"I'm so excited for you"

"Can I still call you?" (Why, yes, because internet.)

"You'll have a cell phone?!" (Yes, Uganda skipped landlines and went straight to cell phones.)

And my absolute favorite, from my grandma: "Are you still going to go if you don't have internet?" (Well isn't that ironic now?)

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