The last month has been school practice (SP), which is student teaching for the second year students. I have been observing them once or twice a week, which is a full 7:30 am - 5:00 pm day. Because of SP, our timetable has been screwed up, so my six hours a week has been cut down to four and a half over two weeks.... I am teaching ICT (Information and Communication Technology, computers) practical lessons, and trying to get 300 students in and out of the lab in such a small amount of time just doesn't work. So instead of not teaching or having shorter lessons, I have been teaching in the evening from 8-10 pm. I come back from SP sometime around 5:00 pm, rest for an hour or so, cook dinner, eat and clean up, then go and teach for two hours. Can you say exhausting?
As if pulling 12 hours days a couple of days a week in addition to my normal eight hour days isn't enough, I've also been working on malaria activities all month! It has been a great opportunity to work with the students, and it has been so much fun!! I'll post more about that after YTT. Or maybe during term break. ...Whenever I have time.
Speaking of YTT, I'm going to a training next week! Well, I'm actually taking students and a counterpart to a training, but it's going to be a blast! It's called Youth Technical Training, and it trains the students in practical skills like agriculture and entrepreneurship as well as leadership skills and working within youth-adult partnerships. This is where I am called an adult because of my position. Whoo! Adulting!
None of the above even mentions the small things I'm involved in like the magazine, cataloging the library, planning for next term, especially working with the science department, supervising general cleaning for the ICT lab (which I haven't even been able to do...the librarian has been a great friend there)... Oh, and I have to keep my house clean, cook for myself, somehow find time to relax....
I am happy to be busy and in such high demand, but I am so ready for the end of term to come! During term break, I'll type up all of these blog posts that have been floating around my head for the last month, so be ready for a deluge of posts (Hopefully with photos!) in the end of May. :)