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So I've come up with a way for you all to see at least some pictures when I don't have enough data to upload pictures. I've reo...

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Life Update

I'm in Fort Portal to stay!! Whoo!!!!

Quick update while I have wifi: Swearing In was great! I'm officially a Volunteer!!

The data connection in my house is terrible. Tonight, the search for 3G begins....

Because of the elections, we're not allowed to go to town except if necessary. Between this and the aforementioned lack of data at home, I won't be able to post until at least the beginning of March. I'm planning to type a BUNCH up though, so be prepared!

I love the ability to get on wifi! Please enjoy some random photos!

This moth was so big, I honestly thought it was a bat at first.

This bug attacked one of my friends and scared us all!!

They had American flag tents at Swearing In!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'll Name This Later

So since my dad is getting onto me about not posting, I'll post something short....

Today was my last full day of training!!!!!!! I've been in Kampala since January 31, and I leave on Friday to go back to Fort Portal. The end of home stay was great. We had an All Volunteer conference (as trainees...) last week, and this week has been Supervisors' Workshop. I promise I'll get into more depth about these later, though it may be a while because of the elections. Don't worry about me, though! Peace Corps has us taken care of. :)